Monday, November 3, 2014

Aries Waxing Moon & Will Power Spell

Happy Tuesday! The moon is waxing in the sign of Aries (2nd Quarter) and the element is fire. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, give praise to Epona, Artemis or one of the other Maiden Goddesses. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring positive change.

The Aries moon is good for starting new projects or business ventures, especially those that need a little push or extra courage. This is also a good time to buy, cleanse, bless, etc. any magical tool with a blade. Anything related to courage, matters of personal strength or self improvement (like breaking bad habits, esp during the waning moon), changes resulting in a complete change of how you do things or a paradigm shift, protection, especially for the military.

When the moon is in Aries, one must be very careful about how much magickal heat a practitioner creates within his/her spellwork as this moon is volatile.The Aries Moon is also the perfect moon for an impatient magician as this moon brings quick results.

Will Power Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 

  • candle (large and light blue) 
  • candle (long and white) 
  • candle (small and purple) 
  • potpourri (any type) 
  • matches 
  • incense (any type)

This is a meditation spell. You will require a number of candles. Basically any shape candles but their colors should be light blue, white or purple.
This spell can be cast anywhere where you can remain for a period of time (the longer the better) and where you will be undisturbed and comfortable. Light the candles and start the incents or potpourri (you don?t need both, just one, or if the candles are scented that works as well).
Lay down in your comfortable place and chant the following chant:
Give me strength and guide me right,
To my goals when they?re in sight,
But even when they?re far away;
Guide myself towards the day
When I shall stand upon the shore
My conflicts gone forever more.
And guide myself to make the choice,
That I can?t bring myself to voice;
And calm my tormented, ravaged soul,
From right now till forever more.
The more often the chant is spoken, the more will power you will be given. The spell will fade over time and it is best if it is cast weekly.