Happy Tuesday! The moon is in Virgo, waxing (1st Quarter).
The waxing moon is the period during which the moon grows from dark to full. It takes approximately fourteen days for this to happen. In many magical traditions, people use this time of the moon to perform "positive" magic -- in other words, magic that draws things to you, or increases things.The moon in Virgo is perfect for spells dealing with health, healing, diagnosing, wellness, herb lore and study, organizing, tool consecration in general, especially the pentacle, diet, making tools and objects, business and trade, establishing a system or bureaucracy, mentality and intelligence, logic, numbers and mathematics, systems and analysis, familiars, climate, science, genetics, servants, underlings, co-workers, soldiers and the military, police and law enforcement, ecology in general, cleansings, purification,
Virgo rules sickness and wellness, food and nutrition, herbs, vitamins, plastic arts and crafts, how weather affects health, armed forces, military logistics and supply lines, relatives in general, Maiden, pottery, craft persons, hunting, tools, pets, small animals, recycling, clothes, work, workplace, planting herbs, computers, cleaning, exercise and fitness, detail work, critical and nit picky people, work ethic, guilt, need to help others, obligations, inventiveness, community needs, magic, evocation, coven workings, low magic, debts and obligations, what you owe, materially and otherwise, payback, servitude, ground that is rolling, hilly, and good for pasture .
Healing Spell
You will need the following items for this spell:*Wound you want to heal
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